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Organic Waste Recycling



Debbie Gibbs


If someone told you there was one action you could take to make a major improvement for the environment, reduce emissions and keep money in your pocketbook - would you commit? That action is simple- Don't waste your food.


It does require some planning, a little education, and a bit of time, but hey, consider this a "job" because you will save money instead of throwing your dollars in the garbage. It is one positive step you can take to contribute to decreasing the climate crisis and it is cost-free except for your time.


In the USA, 40% of food produced is wasted. Retail outlets account for 40% of loss (including around 25% from restaurants), at home is 42% and the farm is 16%. Food waste is problem that falls mainly in the hands of consumers.


The handwriting is on the wall in California. Food waste, via release of methane from rotting food in our landfills, is a major source of our state's greenhouse gas emissions. A new law (SB1383) was passed that promises to significantly improve our food waste problem.


On the good news front, a provision of the new law (unique to California) is to rescue at least 20% of currently disposed surplus food for people to eat. Nevada County is already in the game. Our local food pantries, Interfaith Food Ministry and the Food Bank both work closely with local farms, grocers, food distributors and citizens with large gardens to acquire food for their hungry population.


Also Sierra Harvest manages a food-gleaning program that harvests and donates produce from local farms and orchards to these food relief pantries. So on the farm and grocer side, our county appears to be stepping out with our best foot.


On the "eater side," we have some work to do. The new law requires that by January 2022, 50% of food waste must be diverted from the landfill. So what will happen to the disposal of food that we must reluctantly part ways with? Details are in process at California CalRecycle, local jurisdictions, and Waste Management.

Undoubtedly, we will all have some decisions to make.


For planning and education tools for making good use of the food you buy, check out the comprehensive information at the BriarPatch Food Coop website, Food Too Good to Waste section for ideas and tools on storing, composting, dining out, pantry prep, food donation and holding waste-free parties.


For disposal at home, it is tempting to just put the soft food down the garbage disposal (if you have one). The sewer system is designed to take some food waste, and some cities are actually planning to capture such material for further processing. But food down the drain could also cause some disruption in sewer and septic systems.


So composting is a far better solution. This was what mankind did for thousands of years, and still does in less "developed" countries. If you don't have a yard where you can produce compost, perhaps you know someone who is willing to take your food scraps? Or, check out the cool smaller footprint compost bins designed for the household.


As a "carrot," the new law requires local jurisdictions to buy back some of the organic waste (food and green) that has been transformed into mulch, compost or fuel.


Did you know that we have only a couple of composting businesses that source locally and sell to the community? And the purchase of outside compost is a major cost for our local farmers even though we have the raw ingredients right here.

And then there is the lost revenue from produce that local farms never harvest as it is ugly or the cost of labor makes picking it a losing proposition (so food is plowed back into the soil).


Finding local sourced, preserved foods on the shelves of our retailers is rare. So to enjoy local produce year round, we need to do our own preserving or provide support to local sources.


The world of waste is an opportunity, not a problem, waiting for us to try new approaches to prevent food waste and recycle what we don’t use as a valuable product.

Debbie Gibbs is a member of the Nevada County Food Policy Council Steering Committee, Nevada County Climate Action Now and Waste Not.

Shavati Karki-Pearl


What we consider as trash is constantly evolving as improved technologies and research find new ways to use materials to fight climate change and provide sustainable solutions to waste.

In the 1960s and ’70s, recycling became a common practice as we learned that certain materials like aluminum had value. It is undeniably better for the environment if these items were processed rather than taken to a landfill.

As we moved into the 21st century, attention turned to organic material. It was quickly realized that materials such as landscape trimmings, food scraps and food-soiled paper were valued commodities that could be turned into compost for use as a natural fertilizer or processed to create a renewable energy source.

In 2014, California passed the ground-breaking AB 1826 law that mandated separation of organic materials from the trash for certain commercial and residential properties. The law includes increasing thresholds to cover more properties.


Eventually, a new law was passed, SB 1383, which requires all properties in California to separate organics from the trash. This regulation goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2022.

Waste Management and Nevada County have been diligently working to create infrastructure and solutions to keep pace with the goals outlined by the state.
While we have an active yard waste collection and disposal program, the McCourtney Road Transfer Station is going through a renovation that will add a disposal and transfer area for food waste, among other improvements.


Within a few months, Waste Management plans to launch a curbside food scraps and food-soiled paper collection service for commercial customers.

We are currently working with Nevada County to find affordable solutions for our residential customers.

While awaiting the launch of the formal food waste disposal program, residential and commercial customers can immediately make a difference by subscribing to green waste collection service provided by Waste Management.

Landscape trimmings, grass clippings, pruning waste, untreated wood waste and other shrubbery are collected by Waste Management and sent to a third party, which is turning them into landscaping materials such as mulch.
Where food waste is concerned, many Nevada County residents are ahead of the curve by composting in their own backyards, donating to the food bank and participating in fruit gleaning initiatives.


There are many resources available locally, with organizations such as the Master Gardeners of Nevada County, as well as Sierra Harvest.


Shavati Karki-Pearl is the Public Sector Manager for the Nevada County Waste Management

Nevada County Climate Action Now

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